Protecting your peace of mind


As a medical radiation sciences professional, you help improve the quality of life for Canadians but in doing so, you expose yourself to various risks.  Professional Liability Insurance (PLI), also known as malpractice insurance, provides protection against malpractice claims arising from real or alleged errors or omissions.  PLI protects you against paying the full cost of defending yourself and the risk of losing your own personal assets (house, car, savings, wages, etc.). 


It is recommended that you purchase your own personal protection insurance that goes beyond the limitations of most employer/union PLI programs.  Having your own policy guarantees that a claim made against you will be covered for the following reasons:


  • Your insurance is transferable so if you change jobs or employers your coverage will follow you

  • Good Samaritan coverage – your employer may not cover you for any advice or volunteering you do outside of your workplace

  • Many employer insurances have a shared limit of liability for all employees. This limit may not be enough to cover you and your personal assets (car, house, bank account) could be at risk to cover the difference.

  • Your employer’s insurance may have a large deductible - in some cases, this could be greater than your total defence costs

  • Most employer policies will only cover the settlement for damages for malpractice. They may not cover legal defense before a regulatory disciplinary committee or criminal defense costs

  • Ask your employer or union for information related to their PLI coverage to confirm that the insurance meets Regulatory College by-laws AND adequately protects you and your assets.


Be safe.  Ensure you have enough coverage.


Professional Liability (Errors & Omissions/Malpractice)

$2,000,000 or $5,000,000 per claim/aggregate per policy term per member

Extended reporting period

84 months

Expense reimbursement including regulatory disciplinary coverage for legal representation

$100,000 aggregate per policy term per member

Defence costs for alleged criminal acts excluding abuse

$125,000 aggregate per policy term per member when proven innocent as defined by the policy

Loss of earnings

$750 per day per member if the insurance company requests you to assist in the investigation of defence of a claim

Allegation of abuse coverage defence costs reimbursement

$1,000,000 per policy term per member as more clearly defined in the policy

Cybersecurity and privacy

$25,000 per term per member

No deductible


Across Canada coverage

24/7 in all employment and volunteer circumstances anywhere in Canada


More than 150 webinars, certificates, symposiums and education days -- many at discounted rates to members - or FREE!  Check us out!

More benefits

Group discounts with home and auto, pet, health insurance and more!